Het Nederlandse bedrijf EcoClipper wil grote zeilschepen terugbrengen in de logistiek. Om dat te doen zoekt het bedrijf geld om een eerste prototype te bouwen. Uiteindelijk moet er een hele vloot van klassieke klippers rondvaren over de wereldzeeën. meer:...
MENAFN: UK – Dutch windship company opens funding round.
EcoClipper, a shipping company which has developed a wind-driven, innovative, emission-free cargo ship, has started to raise capital in cooperation with blockchain partner Bondex, to fit out a sustainable fleet. more:...
SWZ maritime: Dutch company EcoClipper seeks funding for windships
EcoClipper, a shipping company that has developed a wind-driven emission-free cargo ship, has started to raise capital in cooperation with blockchain partner Bondex. The company plans to launch retrofitted and purpose-built sailing vessels capable of carrying cargo…
Ajot: Dutch windship company opens funding round
After a turbulent 2021, with increasing public attention towards the fragility of the global supply chain and shipping industry as a whole, companies are looking for a truly sustainable option to ship their products. Similarly, individuals are seeking environmentally-friendly travel experiences. Both of which EcoClipper can provide with sailing ships.
MarineLink: Dutch Windship Company Opens Funding Round
EcoClipper, a shipping company which has developed a wind-driven, emission-free cargo ship, has started to raise capital in cooperation with blockchain partner Bondex, to fit out a sustainable fleet.
Binnenvaart krant: Investeerders gezocht voor zeilend vrachtschip
Oprichter en CEO Jorne Langelaan en COO Dirk Klaassen roepen investeerders op om mee te doen met de crowdfunding en te investeren in het eerste zeilende vrachtschip en daarmee ook in de rederij. Dat gebeurt met behulp van de blockchain-technologie van partner Bondex.
Watersport TV Online: EcoClipper wil duurzame vloot in de vaart brengen
EcoClipper wil duurzame vloot in de vaart brengen voor vervoer van vracht en passagiers.
Cryptelicious: EcoClipper partners blockchain company in financing first windship
Dutch-based Eco-Clipper is developing wind-powered, emission free cargoships and has partnered blockchain company Bondex as seeks to raise capital for its first vessel. EcoClipper aims to operate a series of EcoClipper 500 sailing ships, a steel hull replica version...
Press Release: Dutch windship company opens funding round.
EcoClipper, a shipping company which has developed a wind-driven, innovative, emission-free cargo ship, has started to raise capital in cooperation with blockchain partner Bondex, to fit out a sustainable fleet.
Recent posts
The open ship event will take place the 29th of October 2022 at Talsma Shipyard in Franeker, Netherlands.
Restoring “de Tukker”
The process of restoring a sailing ship to her old purpose : Sailing cargo . It’s a huge job, but fulfilling.
Working in the Rigging.
In recent months most of the work has been done in the field of demolition, cleaning, steelwork, derusting, painting, carpentry, the engine room and other things that are closely related to the hull. However, what makes De Tukker a real sailing ship is the rig. From...