Over the last few weeks three more interns have joined the EcoClipper crew! Get to know the team.

I am Karsten, a landlubber from Bavaria, who has dreamt about sailing his whole life. Last year I sailed on the cargo ship Tres Hombres to the Caribbean and back. From now on I want to continue my way into the sailing world.
Read more about Karsten
What is your role at Ecoclipper and what do you most enjoy about it?
I am an intern and I use my experience in social media marketing to spread the message of EcoClipper. I enjoy bringing a message which is touches our readers.
What is your future vision of Ecoclipper as a company?
I want EcoClipper to become a famous brand and company. Everybody should love to transport their shoes and cellphones with us!

Read more about Jess
What is your role at Ecoclipper and what do you most enjoy about it?
I Joined Eco Clipper at the beginning of October as a Communications Intern, responsible for LinkedIn. I’ve really enjoyed learning all about what the EcoClipper team have achieved so and I’m proud to being able to contribute in a small way to this brilliant new venture.
What is your future vision of Ecoclipper as a company?
I’m excited to see EcoClipper achieve its goals, at a time when the earth is facing an ecological crisis it’s comforting to know that there are passionate people working hard on alternatives to some of the biggest carbon contributing industries.

My name is Julius. I am a philosophy and law graduate, entrepreneur, and environmental and animal activist.
What is your role at Ecoclipper and what do you most enjoy about it?
My role at Ecoclipper is manifold. I mainly work in PR and communications. My work also concerns maritime law.
Read more about Julius
The internship at Ecoclipper allows me to accompany a shipping line during its foundation phase which is exciting. I am also learning a lot about crowdfunding and social media marketing. Of course, the best about being involved in sailing and environmental projects is the kind of people you meet there.
What is your future vision of Ecoclipper as a company?
I believe that Ecoclipper has the potential to successfully conquer a niche in global maritime trade. Ecoclipper exclusively relies on engineless sailing ships which constitutes a unique selling proposition. However, Ecoclipper could have much wider reaching consequences. By demonstrating that sail cargo can be economically successful, Ecoclipper could transform the entire way how cargo is transported in the 21st century.