The risk of investing in sailing cargo.
Published: 27th September 2022
Image: SS-Savannah
Author: Jorne Langelaan

Good afternoon…

Last week I received an email from an investor in EcoClipper, he wrote:

“… Suppose I now double my investment, but suppose: based on the current state of affairs, I am now starting to wonder what the risks are… … I’m not talking about when it can start to pay dividends, I understand the idealistic character. But still: investment made, versus risk, versus investing even more…”

It is of course entirely true that we live in uncertain times: war, inflation, drought or flooding, our agricultural sector that is under pressure, little confidence in politics and an economy with shaking foundations.

So I wrote to him:

Thank you for your response and question!

Over the past few years, we have done a lot of research with EcoClipper, or have had it done, into the market for cargo sailing, the optimal design for an emission-free ship, a Life Cycle Assessment to calculate the actual sustainability and a study into the comparison of depreciation and residual value between sailing and motor ships (if you are interested in one of these studies, let us know and I will send it to you).

These analyses show that there is a market, that the technology works , that the sustainability gains are very relevant and the value development of sailing ships compared to motor ships is positive. Despite all these analyses, there are indeed still risks associated with investing in EcoClipper.

One of the risks is the speed that banks, financial institutions and investors understand the importance of sustainable maritime logistics, and act on it. The more this delays, the longer it will take before sailing offers a good alternative and the more damage to health and the environment will occur. For the investors in the cooperative, this could also mean the postponement of any appreciation in value and paying out of dividend.

There is also the risk of energy and raw material scarcity, resulting in higher construction prices for ships. This risk will increase over time and may complicate the expansion of a fleet, thereby preventing a large-scale transition. Because we also noticed that with De Tukker, prices are only going up. The time to build is really now.

Then there is the risk that a sailing freight company do not have the right people, ideas or support in society. To cope with this, we are working on a cooperative model.

You probably also sensed, otherwise you would not have invested, that: the sailing ship is simply the only efficient option for transporting goods and passengers over long distances with as little pollution as possible and independent of fossil fuels. There is simply no alternative.

I myself signed on for the first time 25 years ago on a sailing freighter,it must be a matter of time before the real transition starts. EcoClipper is the company with the vision for worldwide sustainable shipping.

Therefore: yes, there are risks, but if you really want to make a difference then further investing in the EcoClipper Coöperatie U.A. (link) is the right way forward.

To be continued…

Thanks for the cooperation and fair winds,

Jorne Langelaan

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