
Search results for: First Officer

Meet the New Interns!

Meet the new EcoClipper interns! Read about their experiences, roles and ideas on the future of EcoClipper!

Podcast: Jorne Langelaan – Salt Water on Your Lips

Born into a seafaring family in The Netherlands, Jorne Langelaan was working at sea by the time he was 12. In this conversation with Designers of Paradise host Erik van Lennep, Jorne explains how his love of ships become a love of sailing...

Meet the Tech Team

Meet the Technical team! Throughout the process of designing the EcoClipper500 prototype, EcoClipper has sought advice from engineers, naval architects, shipbuilders and riggers. Here are a couple of members of the crew to introduce themselves…

New Dawn Traders

New Dawn Traders is foremost a cargo broker for sail cargo ships and began in 2012. The company also initiated the Sail Cargo Alliance to support the growing sail cargo community. The Voyage Co-op, a sustainable economy program, was also set up under New Dawn Trader

Zeilvrachtvaart toe aan opschaling naar 500 ton – Schuttevear

ROTTERDAM26 AUGUSTUS 2020, 09:00 Er is een groeiende ladingmarkt voor zeevervoer per zeilschip. Kapitein Jorne Langelaan heeft er op kleine schaal al jaren ervaring mee, maar nu liggen de bouwplannen klaar voor een 500-tons clipper. En de juiste klantcontacten zijn er...

Meet the team – part two

The members of the EcoClipper crew. As the company grows, more people are contacting EcoClipper to offer their expertise, so the crew is always growing! These blogs will give you an insight into some of the members that are working to see shipping and travel change.

Sustainability: Return of sail. -Baltic Transport Journal

BTJ 3-4/20 - Sustainability: Return of sail. Modern sailing ships as the enabling link between ethical production, travel, and transportation by Capt. Jorne Langelaan, CEO and Founder, EcoClipper For thousands of years, sailing ships were the only available...

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Carvel Boatbuilding

Carvel Boatbuilding

Carvel boatbuilding is a method of constructing wooden boats by fixing planks to a frame, edge to edge and forming a smooth hull.

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