
Search results for: First Officer

Travel Futures and Sail Cargo

"As we wake up to the depth of the covid crisis and the remaining climate emergency, the opportunity for a dramatic shift in how and why we travel has emerged. A few years ago the idea of transporting goods by sail cargo was unheard of. Now it is a rising trend for...

Essay : Sail Away – Idler issue 71

"Nicola Cutcher jumps aboard with a new breed of traders who are using restored sailing ships to ferry cargo the slow eco-friendly way." Read the whole article at

Stormy weather for the health of our world.

Will we move back as fast as we can to “business as usual”? Or, is there more in it for us? Will we humans, as a thinking species, realise that we are able to live a simpler life? by capt. Jorne Langelaan

EcoClipper news up-date

..Current investments should be sufficient to further develop the EcoClipper500 prototype, until the stage that shipyards can be approached for detailed building quotations…

Nederlandse EcoClipper weer een stap dichterbij

"De bouw van een emissievrij zeilend vrachtschip, de Ecoclipper, is weer dichterbij gekomen. Er is een team samengesteld dat gaat werken aan de ontwikkeling van het prototype EcoClipper500, en er zijn de eerste afspraken gemaakt voor de financiering." Read the whole...

‘Enkhuizen heeft het’: over een schonere vrachtvaart

"Negentig procent van alles wat we kopen, bereikt ons per schip. Tegelijkertijd is de scheepvaart is één van de meest vervuilende, ongereguleerde en gesloten bedrijfstakken ter wereld. We lijken wel ’zeeblind’, stelt klimaatjournalist en filmmaker Bernice Notenboom....

Shipping, Pollution and Technology

"Maritime transport accounts for 7% of global oil consumption, and the bunker oil used in the industry is heavily polluting due to its’ high Sulphur dioxide content. Following the example of other transportation sectors, the shipping industry is beginning to look for...

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