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EcoClipper duurzame start-up

Zowel voor vracht, passagiers als trainees en dan ook nog op vier verschillende routes, worden marktanalyses gemaakt. Er is een onderzoek gedaan naar de waardeontwikkeling en afschrijving van zeilschepen ten opzichte van motorschepen.

Meet the team – part two

The members of the EcoClipper crew. As the company grows, more people are contacting EcoClipper to offer their expertise, so the crew is always growing! These blogs will give you an insight into some of the members that are working to see shipping and travel change.

A step forward – the EcoClipper500 prototype half-hull model

We at EcoClipper officially received the half-hull model of the EcoClipper 500 prototype. Our half hull model was crafted by ship carpenter Leo Boogerd, in cooperation with Bert van Baar of the Bootbouw school and Marijke de Jong, a specialist in square-rigging and yacht design.

Presentatie halfmodel prototype EcoClipper500

Afgelopen vrijdag, 24 juli is in het Maritiem Museum Rotterdam het halfmodel van de EcoClipper500 door de maker scheepstimmerman Leo Boogerd in samenwerking met Bert van Baar, van de bootbouwschool, en Marijke de Jong van Cadhead, aangeboden aan de grondlegger van de...

Recent posts

PRESS RELEASE: Partnership between EcoClipper and New Dawn Traders

PRESS RELEASE: Partnership between EcoClipper and New Dawn Traders

Dutch sail-cargo pioneers EcoClipper are developing a new breed of cargo carrying sailing ship, the first of which will be a 59m square-rigger with a capacity of 500 tonnes. While development is ongoing, EcoClipper has renovated the 1912 ketch ‘De Tukker’ which, in collaboration with UK-based cargo broker New Dawn Traders, will start forging European trade routes in 2023.

Zen and the Art of Sewing Machine Maintenance

Zen and the Art of Sewing Machine Maintenance

I think, as the anonymous voice of the Tukker blog, it’s probably time to introduce myself. My name’s Hannah, and I’m an OS (ordinary seaman) on the Tukker refit crew. Amongst our group of incredibly skilled craftsman and shipwrights, I’m here on my first...

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