Capt. Heinrich Nissen formulated the rules to sail a big or small squarerigger to windward.
3 reasons why we use Clipper ship “Noach” as an inspiration for the prototype500.
3 reasons why we’ve chosen the Dutch clipper ship Noach as an inspiration for the EcoClipper prototype500
A Brief Look into Square-Rigged Sailing Ship Innovations
The square-rigged sailing ship has evolved slowly over thousands of years. Every major innovation came after a long period of trial and error which would illuminate certain necessities and point to areas of the ships due for improvement.
An EcoClipper (new) Year
The first full year of operating the EcoClipper company comes to an end. An amazing year of inspiring meetings, unexpected realizations..
Recent posts

Replacing all motor cargo ships by sailing cargo ships
A bold example of calculating a macroeconomic business case on the back of a beermat. Be prepared to hang on to the bulwarks..By capt. Langelaan

PRESS RELEASE: Partnership between EcoClipper and New Dawn Traders
Dutch sail-cargo pioneers EcoClipper are developing a new breed of cargo carrying sailing ship, the first of which will be a 59m square-rigger with a capacity of 500 tonnes. While development is ongoing, EcoClipper has renovated the 1912 ketch ‘De Tukker’ which, in collaboration with UK-based cargo broker New Dawn Traders, will start forging European trade routes in 2023.

Zen and the Art of Sewing Machine Maintenance
I think, as the anonymous voice of the Tukker blog, it’s probably time to introduce myself. My name’s Hannah, and I’m an OS (ordinary seaman) on the Tukker refit crew. Amongst our group of incredibly skilled craftsman and shipwrights, I’m here on my first...