Change your angle
The cool aspect of sailing is that it has the tendency to put things into perspective. Why sailing specifically, you might ask. The first reason has to do with the pace at which you move. At 900 km/h a commercial jet moves almost 50 times faster than a sail boat that sails at a steady 10 knots. To change perspective, you need to slow down. That gives you time to observe, recalculate and calibrate your inner works accordingly.
The second reason has to do with the environment. You simply cannot open your window at 30 000 ft to smell the air or to touch the clouds from within your commercial jet. You are encapsulated in a protective bubble that also provides distraction in the form of entertainment so your hours can pass even faster to reach your destination. In a sail boat you become part of the environment and not merely moving through it.
Get acquainted
You taste the salty spray on your face, you feel the wind in your hair, you hear a gust shaking the sails and on a clear night the masts might seems to touch the stars and you will stare in wonder at the luminous trail in the wake of your ship. Here it is truly the journey that matters more than the destination. Furthermore, a sail boat has character. The way she handles, the way she creeks and murmurs in the swell or the song of the wind in her riggings is what is making her one of a kind. Together with her crew, they form a living organism, traversing the vastness of the oceans.

New horizons
With the dawning of a new conscience of care for the planet, people are seriously reconsidering the way they travel. In January this year EcoClipper bought the Tukker, a 1912 built North Sea clipper. Soon she will sail the North Sea route again, carrying cargo and passengers in the company’s quest for zero emission shipping. This is opening up the opportunity for travelers to experience once again the spirit of sail and to contribute actively towards sustainable eco tourism. If you thought that this is just another hipster trend in retro traveling, ponder on this; the real trend setters are the disillusioned of the false promises of consumerism whom are now striving to change course and taking an active part in doing things better.
Get on board
Science has mapped the danger zones on our charts and it is high time to steer to a new compass bearing. By altering our perspective we will ultimately be able to change our perception and the perception of those around us. The world is in dire need for a new vision. By changing old habits for better ones, we will help to shape the new vision. So, the next time you are planning your holidays, consider the art of slow travel and come sailing with us. Fair winds!