Part 2
In the previous article we looked at the current logistics system and how it is under pressure to change and clean up its act. This week you read about some of the companies, next to EcoClipper, who offer opportunities to invest in sail.
A range of options
Already in 2020 our specialists published a sail cargo and travel market report with an overview of the industry. Even then, when it was still a rather different world, it was clear that the sail cargo industry had grown exponentially the past years and would continue on this trajectory. In this overview several interviews and case studies were presented.
A few current projects who offer investment opportunities…
First, the amazing Sailcargo INC which is building the sailing cargo vessel Ceiba on the beach in Costa Rica. They just started the campaign for a second vessel and are looking into further innovations. This project is especially interesting for US and Canadian investors, since they are aiming to start operating between middle and North American ports.
Furthermore there is the Hawila cooperative in Denmark. Hawila are opting for transparency and a fair business model – they are now accepting investors to become part-owners of their cooperative, as they refit the historic ketch Hawila. Apart from aiming to transport a yearly cargo of coffee, they are creating a cultural platform to make people aware of the shipping industry.
Finally there is our own cooperative company: EcoClipper. Currently only available for investors based in the UK, Europe and Switzerland, we believe the setup of our cooperative is especially appealing, because it is aimed at investing in an entire future sailing cargo fleet. This fleet will offer global emission-free shipping services on various shipping lines.

Wind is the most straightforward technology for clean ocean transport.
If we are serious about a sustainable future, it is obvious that shipping needs to become green. Although there are many innovative and clean options to propel ships, wind will always be a large part of the solution. Even when hydrogen or electrical power is used, this energy needs to be sourced somehow. For this, wind energy is often the first choice, however when looking at efficiency, direct wind propulsion always wins. As such, a bright future for windships can easily be predicted.
Thus there has been enormous growth in sail cargo projects in recent years. The next article will explain the advantages of joining EcoClipper as a cooperative member. If you would like to brainstorm about investing in sail cargo, do not hesitate to schedule a meeting via
Following seas and royals all the way!
Captain Jorne Langelaan