De Tukker is gebouwd in 1912 als schoeneraak en heeft jarenlang als kustvaarder vracht gevaren. In de jaren 80 werd ze een zeilend charterschip, en is ook nu nog bij velen bekend om haar werk met jongeren. De noodzaak van groot onderhoud maakte hier in 2012 een einde...
Zeepost: EcoClipper koopt eerste zeilend vrachtschip: de Tukker
Jorne Langelaan, CEO en oprichter van EcoClipper Coöperatie U.A, heeft de overdracht aktes getekend voor het zeilschip ‘De Tukker’. Dit is het eerste schip voor de toekomstige EcoClipper-vloot. Na een grondige verbouwing zal het schip in de eerste helft van 2022...
Press Release: EcoClipper purchases its first sail cargo vessel.
EcoClipper Coöperatie U.A. announces the purchase of the Dutch Klipper, ‘De Tukker’, to establish sustainable shipping on the North Sea.
Press Release: Dutch windship company opens funding round.
EcoClipper, a shipping company which has developed a wind-driven, innovative, emission-free cargo ship, has started to raise capital in cooperation with blockchain partner Bondex, to fit out a sustainable fleet.
Part two: Indigenous sailing and freight transport in the Pacific and Aotearoa New Zealand
Aotearoa New Zealand became an exporting nation, transporting (semi-processed) goods such as wool, whales and seals, timber and flax across the ocean mainly to England. Since 1882 there were also refrigerated cargo ships, like the Dunedin, which managed to transport frozen meat across the globe.
Part one: Indigenous sailing and freight transport in the Pacific and Aotearoa New Zealand
Thousands of Pacific islands have been populated by Pacific peoples using boats and canoes to connect with other islands for centuries. Especially outrigger canoes
Festivities Onboard Sailing Ships
Read about how sailors have enjoyed the festive period at sea in the past!
North Sea Trade: Albatros
Read about the story of sail cargo vessel Albatros! The ship operated on the North Sea in the late 20th century.
North Sea Ports
The North Sea offers many suitable ports for sail cargo vessels and connect inland communities with the water, both in the UK and Europe.
Recent posts

Cold Weather, Warm Welcomes- and Gezellig
De Tukker has settled in to her winter home in Den Helder, and her team of volunteers are working hard on the winter refit- doing essential steel work and installing new plumbing and electrics, repainting, and refitting floors. In the office, our first season of cargo sailing is being planned.

Under sail again – De Tukker
After seven months of refit at Talsma shipyard (NL) "de Tukker" has set sail again! She sailed from Harlingen to the Museum harbour Willemsoord, Den Helder (NL) at the 12th of November 2022. De Tukker will stay at the Museum Harbour Willemsoord until the entire refit...

Tukker restoration overview March until October 2022 (video)
The restoration of sailing cargo vessel “de Tukker” part 1.