"Negentig procent van alles wat we kopen, bereikt ons per schip. Tegelijkertijd is de scheepvaart is één van de meest vervuilende, ongereguleerde en gesloten bedrijfstakken ter wereld. We lijken wel ’zeeblind’, stelt klimaatjournalist en filmmaker Bernice Notenboom....
Shipping, Pollution and Technology
"Maritime transport accounts for 7% of global oil consumption, and the bunker oil used in the industry is heavily polluting due to its’ high Sulphur dioxide content. Following the example of other transportation sectors, the shipping industry is beginning to look for...
Trade under sails – Fairplanet
"There have been initiatives to do global maritime trade the traditional way again before, that is to use classic sailing ships instead of container giants. So far, these initiatives have always been enthusiastic projects started by sailing addicts and alikes. And at...
Sailing Trade part 2
"In the previous article I tried to substantiate why sustainability in shipping is so desperately needed. That now seems completely unnecessary because CLIMATE CRISIS is written with capitals in every newmedia: every week, every day" Read more at...
Winds of change: the sailing ships cleaning up sea transport
"They fan out across the seas like a giant maritime dance, a ballet of tens of thousands of vessels delivering the physical stuff that has become indispensable to our way of life: commodities and cars, white goods and gas and grains, timber and technology." Read the...
EcoClipper in de opstart fase
In Alkmaar is een nieuw initiatief van start gegaan voor de bouw en exploitatie van een emissievrij zeilend vrachtschip, de Ecoclipper. Mede initiatiefnemer Jorne Langelaan en Andreas Lackner gaan zich de komende tijd inzetten om dit project van de grond te krijgen....
Sailing merchant fleet part one
" In this edition, too, a kick-off of a series of articles about new opportunities for the sailing freight and passenger shipping will start. The urge and necessity for more sustainable transport of cargo as well as of passengers has finally become more widely spread....
Recent posts
Persbericht: Eindelijk emissie-vrij vrachtschip te water.
Het verbouwen van De Tukker, tot zeilend vrachtschip, blijkt niet zonder tegenslagen.
Met als visie het probleem van de vervuilende scheepvaart op te lossen, kocht de coöperatie EcoClipper begin dit jaar, een groot zeilschip met achterstallig onderhoudt: De Tukker.
Press Release: Finally emission-free cargo ship in the water.
The conversion of De Tukker into a sailing cargo ship is not without its setbacks. With the vision of solving the problem of shipping pollution, the EcoClipper cooperative bought a large sailing ship with overdue maintenance at the beginning of this year: De Tukker..
Tukker image up-date
The tukker was put back into the water at the 17th of October 2022 after an extensive restoration process.