Refurbishing the ship’s rigging, working on the ship’s steel- and ropework, cleaning sails, and making new sail covers. Below decks, the steel and electric work continues, and some skilled carpenters have joined our team, refitting floors, bunks and partition walls.
Sail Cargo logistics, for those who care about our future.
Or the truth about the consequences of not switching back to wind powered transport.
Tacking a brigantine
Tacking is turning the ship, from having the wind blowing from one side of the ship, to the other side, and doing this by bringing the bow through the wind…
Sailing is our only option!
Or the inconvenient truth, about the consequences of not switching back to world transport, by Sail power alone?
Cold Weather, Warm Welcomes- and Gezellig
De Tukker has settled in to her winter home in Den Helder, and her team of volunteers are working hard on the winter refit- doing essential steel work and installing new plumbing and electrics, repainting, and refitting floors. In the office, our first season of cargo sailing is being planned.
Under sail again – De Tukker
After seven months of refit at Talsma shipyard (NL) "de Tukker" has set sail again! She sailed from Harlingen to the Museum harbour Willemsoord, Den Helder (NL) at the 12th of November 2022. De Tukker will stay at the Museum Harbour Willemsoord until the entire refit...
Tukker restoration overview March until October 2022 (video)
The restoration of sailing cargo vessel “de Tukker” part 1.
Persbericht: Eindelijk emissie-vrij vrachtschip te water.
Het verbouwen van De Tukker, tot zeilend vrachtschip, blijkt niet zonder tegenslagen.
Met als visie het probleem van de vervuilende scheepvaart op te lossen, kocht de coöperatie EcoClipper begin dit jaar, een groot zeilschip met achterstallig onderhoudt: De Tukker.
Restoring “de Tukker”
The process of restoring a sailing ship to her old purpose : Sailing cargo . It’s a huge job, but fulfilling.
Recent posts

Discount 20%
As we celebrate our first season of sailing, we are excited to offer a special discount of 20% on select upcoming voyages. This is your chance to explore the world in a way that is both adventurous and responsible.

Press release: Sail Cargo Company EcoClipper on Maiden Voyage
Emission free short sea Western European liner service has started. De Tukker, the first ship operated by sail cargo company Ecoclipper, has set sail. Leaving Amsterdam carrying chocolate, 5 crew members and 5 trainees, De Tukker is headed for Porto where she is...

Meet our Volunteer- Bart!
Alongside our team of professional shipwrights and sailors, EcoClipper welcomes occasional and regular volunteers to help us get Tukker ready for her first sailing season. Today, Bart is joining the blog to tell us about his experiences on Tukker as a volunteer, his...