
Search results for: ‘De Tukker’

Cold Weather, Warm Welcomes- and Gezellig

De Tukker has settled in to her winter home in Den Helder, and her team of volunteers are working hard on the winter refit- doing essential steel work and installing new plumbing and electrics, repainting, and refitting floors. In the office, our first season of cargo sailing is being planned.

Tukker image up-date

The tukker was put back into the water at the 17th of October 2022 after an extensive restoration process.


The open ship event will take place the 29th of October 2022 at Talsma Shipyard in Franeker, Netherlands.

Hardtack and Lobscouse

This is going to be the heart of the ship. The place where “hardtack”- rock-hard, long-lasting salty biscuits – will be baked, alongside “Lobscouse”, a traditional sailor’s meal with meat, potatoes and onions and a diverse range of other dishes.

Recent posts

Video: Sailing cargo vessel at anchor, Dunbar UK.

Video: Sailing cargo vessel at anchor, Dunbar UK.

De Tukker: A 1912 coastal trader turned sail training vessel. Now part of the EcoClipper fleet, she sails cargo and travellers across seas.
De Tukker: A 1912 coastal trader turned sail training vessel. Now part of the EcoClipper fleet, she sails cargo and travellers across seas.

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