
Search results for: Jorne Langelaan

Press release: Presentation half hull model prototype EcoClipper500

at the Maritiem Museum Rotterdam the half hull model of the EcoClipper500 has been handed over to the founder of the EcoClipper B.V. shipping company: captain Jorne Langelaan, by the constructor, ship carpenter Leo Boogerd in cooperation with Bert van Baar of the bootbouwschool and Cadhead’s Marijke de Jong.

Zeilreizen op EcoClipper schepen –

Jorne Langelaan is oprichter en directeur van EcoClipper. Onregelmatig geeft hij ons een inkijkje in deze vorm van uitstootvrij varen. De scheepvaart was altijd al, is nog steeds en zal nog lang de levensader van de wereldhandel blijven. De traditionele...

Sail Cargo, Why Now?

The technology is there, the projects are there, the people are excited, the wind blows but somehow developments take forever.

Sail Cargo in the 21st Century

Sail cargo is the transportation of goods using a renewable form of energy – wind power – and a combination of traditional and modern sail technologies.image Wiebe Radstake- fairtransport

Recent posts

New Year, New U-bend

New Year, New U-bend

Refurbishing the ship’s rigging, working on the ship’s steel- and ropework, cleaning sails, and making new sail covers. Below decks, the steel and electric work continues, and some skilled carpenters have joined our team, refitting floors, bunks and partition walls. 

Tacking a brigantine

Tacking a brigantine

Tacking is turning the ship, from having the wind blowing from one side of the ship, to the other side, and doing this by bringing the bow through the wind…

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