
Search results for: Matthew Bonvento

EcoClipper in the Classroom

What do you get with a virtual room of students combined with EcoClipper’s Chief Communications Officer and two EcoClipper Ambassadors? A brighter future.

Wind Propulsion

In an age of bigger cars, bigger planes, bigger ships, why would anyone consider the thought of shipping cargo on a smaller, slower, sail powered vessel?

Recent posts

Video: Sailing cargo vessel at anchor, Dunbar UK.

Video: Sailing cargo vessel at anchor, Dunbar UK.

De Tukker: A 1912 coastal trader turned sail training vessel. Now part of the EcoClipper fleet, she sails cargo and travellers across seas.
De Tukker: A 1912 coastal trader turned sail training vessel. Now part of the EcoClipper fleet, she sails cargo and travellers across seas.

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