The history behind the unique design of the clipper bow.
What are ‘Trade Routes’ anyway?
A Brief History... If you follow EcoClipper, you’ve probably heard the term “Trade Routes” mentioned quite a lot! And while they’re quite simply the route a ship takes while carrying traded cargo, there’s a lot more to them than you might think! People have been...
A Different Holiday
How are the holidays celebrated on board a ship in the middle of the ocean? What if you miss your friends, family and normal traditions…
A Sailing Ship Future – The New Economy
The New Economy is based on renewable energy. With it we are left with a highly localised and cooperatively organised society.
Crossing the Atlantic Carbon-Free for COP25
The COP25 will be relocated from Chile to Spain. Is there a possibility to cross the Atlantic Ocean emission-free to be able to attend the event in Spain?
7 Sailing Rigs for Cargo Ships
There is one kind of sail rig which beats any other rigging, in: ease of keeping all sails under control, manoeuvrability and power of propulsion.
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Replacing all motor cargo ships by sailing cargo ships
A bold example of calculating a macroeconomic business case on the back of a beermat. Be prepared to hang on to the bulwarks..By capt. Langelaan

PRESS RELEASE: Partnership between EcoClipper and New Dawn Traders
Dutch sail-cargo pioneers EcoClipper are developing a new breed of cargo carrying sailing ship, the first of which will be a 59m square-rigger with a capacity of 500 tonnes. While development is ongoing, EcoClipper has renovated the 1912 ketch ‘De Tukker’ which, in collaboration with UK-based cargo broker New Dawn Traders, will start forging European trade routes in 2023.

Zen and the Art of Sewing Machine Maintenance
I think, as the anonymous voice of the Tukker blog, it’s probably time to introduce myself. My name’s Hannah, and I’m an OS (ordinary seaman) on the Tukker refit crew. Amongst our group of incredibly skilled craftsman and shipwrights, I’m here on my first...