The North Sea has an interesting history of trade. Read more about it’s development over time and the potential of sail cargo on this route.
What is the EcoClipper Coöperatie U.A?
EcoClipper announced the launch of the EcoClipper Cooperative. Read more to find out about the signing and what this means for the company.
EcoClipper attends the ZESTA Conference at COP26
The whole world is watching the COP26 event this year – including the shipping industry, sail cargo industry and EcoClipper.
To Journey Under Sail
Get a sense of what it’s like to travel on a sailing ship. The journey may be slow, but the experience is unforgettable.
Alternatives to reduce your transportation carbon footprint
Prior to COP26 and as travel slowly opens up it’s worth remembering alternatives which will reduce your carbon footprint where possible.
The Speed of Clippers Part 2: Transition
The transition of clipper ships is underway! Why is the clipper the ultimate ship design? Read more to find out…
The Speed of Clippers: Fiery Cross
What was the clipper ship designed for? Speed. Read through the exciting Tea Race of 1866 and why clipper ships were perfect for the task.
Nostalgia and the sea
John Nellis discusses nostalgia and the sea – how it represents the past, future and a fundamental part of human existence.
Crew Requirements By Tonnage And Rig: Part 2
Second installment in the Crew Requirements by Tonnage and Rig series, which analyses different rigs and crew sizes, and which vessels are optimal for sail cargo purposes.
Recent posts

Persbericht: Eindelijk emissie-vrij vrachtschip te water.
Het verbouwen van De Tukker, tot zeilend vrachtschip, blijkt niet zonder tegenslagen.
Met als visie het probleem van de vervuilende scheepvaart op te lossen, kocht de coöperatie EcoClipper begin dit jaar, een groot zeilschip met achterstallig onderhoudt: De Tukker.

Press Release: Finally emission-free cargo ship in the water.
The conversion of De Tukker into a sailing cargo ship is not without its setbacks. With the vision of solving the problem of shipping pollution, the EcoClipper cooperative bought a large sailing ship with overdue maintenance at the beginning of this year: De Tukker..

Tukker image up-date
The tukker was put back into the water at the 17th of October 2022 after an extensive restoration process.