Het verbouwen van De Tukker, tot zeilend vrachtschip, blijkt niet zonder tegenslagen.
Met als visie het probleem van de vervuilende scheepvaart op te lossen, kocht de coöperatie EcoClipper begin dit jaar, een groot zeilschip met achterstallig onderhoudt: De Tukker.
Press Release: Finally emission-free cargo ship in the water.
The conversion of De Tukker into a sailing cargo ship is not without its setbacks. With the vision of solving the problem of shipping pollution, the EcoClipper cooperative bought a large sailing ship with overdue maintenance at the beginning of this year: De Tukker..
Tukker image up-date
The tukker was put back into the water at the 17th of October 2022 after an extensive restoration process.
The open ship event will take place the 29th of October 2022 at Talsma Shipyard in Franeker, Netherlands.
Restoring “de Tukker”
The process of restoring a sailing ship to her old purpose : Sailing cargo . It’s a huge job, but fulfilling.
Working in the Rigging.
In recent months most of the work has been done in the field of demolition, cleaning, steelwork, derusting, painting, carpentry, the engine room and other things that are closely related to the hull. However, what makes De Tukker a real sailing ship is the rig. From...
The risk of investing in sailing cargo.
Good afternoon… Last week I received an email from an investor in EcoClipper, he wrote: “… Suppose I now double my investment, but suppose: based on the current state of affairs, I am now starting to wonder what the risks are… … I'm not talking about when it can start...
Tukker: A new ship
EcoClipper started in 2018 to solve the problem of shipping pollution. However, it is clear that no one wants to stop using products from distant lands or stop traveling between continents…
Hardtack and Lobscouse
This is going to be the heart of the ship. The place where “hardtack”- rock-hard, long-lasting salty biscuits – will be baked, alongside “Lobscouse”, a traditional sailor’s meal with meat, potatoes and onions and a diverse range of other dishes.
Recent posts

The unbelievable speed of sailing cargo ships.
Last Monday I was on deck working on the sailing cargo ship, De Tukker, when I got talking to an interested passer-by. He had followed the outfitting of the ship week by week during his walks. He had seen: the finishing of the galley, the making of portholes in it....

I really didnt know what to expect.
A letter from an American Master Mariner who came for a week to join the refit-crew, giving a helping hand on De Tukker.

Counting more than 30,000 euro’s since the start of the spring campaign.
After more than two weeks of campaigning for the “EcoClipper 2023 spring campaign”, we have so far raised exactly € 33,637.50 with a total of 29 investors. A very big thank you! With this money it is possible that we, with a team of 12 crew members, are working to get...