
Search results for: First Officer

Schuttevaer: Geen betere romp voor EcoClipper dan die uit 1857

Als iets hard gaat in de energietransitie, dan is het wel de vlucht die ‘Wind-Assisted Ship Propulsion’ (WASP) neemt. Wie het nieuws op dit gebied een beetje volgt vliegen de initiatieven om de oren. Maar in een nichemarkt werkt zeilreder Jorne Langelaan ook nog...

Recent posts

The risk of investing in sailing cargo.

The risk of investing in sailing cargo.

Good afternoon… Last week I received an email from an investor in EcoClipper, he wrote: “… Suppose I now double my investment, but suppose: based on the current state of affairs, I am now starting to wonder what the risks are… … I'm not talking about when it can start...

Tukker: A new ship

Tukker: A new ship

EcoClipper started in 2018 to solve the problem of shipping pollution. However, it is clear that no one wants to stop using products from distant lands or stop traveling between continents…

Hardtack and Lobscouse

Hardtack and Lobscouse

This is going to be the heart of the ship. The place where “hardtack”- rock-hard, long-lasting salty biscuits – will be baked, alongside “Lobscouse”, a traditional sailor’s meal with meat, potatoes and onions and a diverse range of other dishes.

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