Scheepswerf Talsma en EcoClipper gaan een samenwerking aan om ‘De Tukker’, een zeilschip dat wordt omgebouwd voor zeilende vracht en passagiersvaart, in de vaart te brengen.
Refit of De Tukker – Preparation
Refit of De Tukker – Preparation. Read about the week De Tukker was prepared and moved to the shipyard and came out of the water.
First EcoClipper investment target reached!
After launching an investment round, EcoClipper has reached the first target. Read more about the next steps.
Sviluppo Nautico: Eco-Clipper Acquista “De Tukker”
Il recente acquisto del Klipper “De Tukker” apre una nuova fase del progetto della flotta EcoClipper come annunciato dal Capitano Jorne Langelaan, fondatore della compagnia EcoClipper Coöperatie UA con sede in Olanda.
Shipping insight: EcoClipper plans return of 110-year old sailing veteran to commercial operation
While sailing vessels do operate on the North Sea, there are no vessels currently dedicated to a fixed liner service for sustainable shipping, ... more:...
CSN: EcoClipper purchases its first sail cargo vessel
The retrofit will bring De Tukker back up to commercial standard. Work on the hull needs to be carried out, a new deckhouse will be constructed and upgrading of the systems and rigging will take place. The ship has a barge shaped hull and will be able to carry about...
Tubantia: Derde leven voor zeilschip De Tukker waar talrijke jongeren op de juiste koers werden geholpen
ENSCHEDE - Het roemruchte zeilschip De Tukker, dat jarenlang door Jarabee werd gebruikt om ontspoorde jongeren weer op koers te krijgen, begint aan een derde leven. Het bedrijf EcoClipper heeft het schip gekocht en gaat het inzetten voor een zeilende lijndienst, voor...
SWZ Maritime: EcoClipper purchases its first sail cargo vessel
EcoClipper Coöperatie has purchased the Dutch Klipper De Tukker to establish sustainable shipping on the North Sea. It is the first vessel to join the EcoClipper fleet. The vessel will require a retrofit and will begin providing trade and passenger travel under sail...
TradeWinds: EcoClipper buys historic Dutch sail ship for cargo retrofit
Zero-carbon shipping company snaps up De Tukker clipper launched in 1912 more:
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