Press release: Partnership of Talsma Shipyard and EcoClipper B.V.
Talsma Shipyard and sail cargo company EcoClipper are partnering to complete the work on De Tukker – a sailing vessel to be retrofitted for sustainable shipping.
Alkmaar, The Netherlands. (23/03/2022). This week a partnership between Talsma Shipyard and sustainable shipping company EcoClipper was finalised. Talsma Shipyard, based in Franeker, the Netherlands, is highly experienced in shipbuilding and retrofitting vessels. They will be responsible for the large-scale steel work construction on EcoClipper’s first retrofit vessel De Tukker. EcoClipper will use their own crew to work on maintenance, rigging and fitting out.
When Jelle Talsma, CEO of the Talsma Shipyard, joined on the first inspection of the ship he commented: “This ship is beautifully lined and well built. It is obvious that the former owners loved the ship and left us with many fine details. Yes, we will be happy to help EcoClipper to get this vessel trading again.”
Last week De Tukker was moved into a construction hall of the shipyard in Franeker. The retrofit of the ship will include returning the day cabin and galley to their former use as cargo hold. A small deck house with a mess room will be positioned on deck, in front of the mizzen mast. All spars, standing and running rigging will be serviced and re-rigged. De Tukker will be registered as a Sailing General Cargo Vessel with the trading area in the North Sea, Irish Sea and Baltic.
Jorne Langelaan commented: “We are excited to partner with Talsma Shipyard for the retrofit of De Tukker. Not only is Jelle Talsma an expert in the field, but he is an avid sailor of traditional sailing vessels and shares many of the ideals and values that we have at EcoClipper.”
EcoClipper has recently launched a financing campaign where investors are able to invest in the EcoClipper Coöperatie U.A. This enables investors to become part owners of the fleet of sailing ships, including De Tukker. See more here:
EcoClipper B.V was founded in 2018 by Captain Jorne Langelaan, a sail cargo expert and co-founder of shipping company Fairtransport. EcoClipper is developing a fleet of sailing ships offering emission-free transport and travel worldwide. EcoClipper ships will sail on shipping lines with fixed schedules, thereby creating a new shipping logistics system to connect the world’s continents.
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