Goals 7 and 9 look at affordable and clean energy, and innovation and infrastructure respectively. While using sailing vessels to ship cargo may seem “old-fashioned”, this technology actually has huge potential to tap into renewable energies.
An Ancient Green Technology Reborn.
The old way of sailing ironically has a huge technological advantage over its modern counterpart. It does not emit any harmful fumes and only uses natural elements for propulsion.
A step forward – the EcoClipper500 prototype half-hull model
We at EcoClipper officially received the half-hull model of the EcoClipper 500 prototype. Our half hull model was crafted by ship carpenter Leo Boogerd, in cooperation with Bert van Baar of the Bootbouw school and Marijke de Jong, a specialist in square-rigging and yacht design.
Wind Propulsion
In an age of bigger cars, bigger planes, bigger ships, why would anyone consider the thought of shipping cargo on a smaller, slower, sail powered vessel?
Recent posts

The open ship event will take place the 29th of October 2022 at Talsma Shipyard in Franeker, Netherlands.

Last minute: Sail along Kingston upon Hull to Amsterdam!
Departure 19th of July2023: A last-minute option that will not only satisfy your wanderlust but also provide you with a unique and memorable experience.

Video: Sailing cargo vessel at anchor, Dunbar UK.
De Tukker: A 1912 coastal trader turned sail training vessel. Now part of the EcoClipper fleet, she sails cargo and travellers across seas.
De Tukker: A 1912 coastal trader turned sail training vessel. Now part of the EcoClipper fleet, she sails cargo and travellers across seas.

Carmen’s Adventure at Sea.
Join Carmen on her unforgettable sailing adventure aboard De Tukker. Discover the beauty of the sea and the joy of exploring new horizons.