
Search results for: Jorne Langelaan

Newsletter: May 2020

You are invited to read and spread around, what might be the first ever, combined market report about the sail cargo and sail passenger industry. You will read the insights, about how the popularity of the sail cargo market has grown exponentially during the past ten years.

Designing a fleet of Sailing Cargo Ships

why not abandon fossil fuels altogether and make a return to sail?
It is clear we need an entire new way of transporting our goods and traveling over long distances. When we are rethinking our businesses and can finally accept that we need a large, possibly revolutionary, transition in our logistics.

Zeepost: Zeilend naar een duurzamen toekomst

De nieuwe Nederlandse zeilende vracht en passagiers vaart rederij, EcoClipper, heeft een rapport vrijgegeven dat een beeld schetst van de markt voor zeilende handelsvaart en passagiersvaart....

Zurück in die Zukunft

Ein niederländischer Gründer will Waren wieder mit Segelschiffen rund um den Globus transportieren. Ein Traum von emissionsfreiem Güterverkehr, der eines Tages Wirklichkeit werden könnte.

Hellenic Shipping News – Sailing into a Sustainable Future

New Report Shows Rising Awareness of the Climate Crisis Increases Demand for Emission-Free Alternatives in Shipping and Travel Emission-free shipping company EcoClipper have published a report which gives an overview of the growing markets in environmentally...

Recent posts

The Practice of Sail-Training

The Practice of Sail-Training

We can see the usefulness of the sailing ship in regards to learning seamanship, self-reliance and teamwork. The popularity of these ships and their historical importance is undisputed. The lessons learned from thousands of years of maritime history are passed down from one crew to the next.

Scrubbers: sweeping emissions under the carpet.

Scrubbers: sweeping emissions under the carpet.

By redirecting our pollution from the atmosphere to the sea we are giving ourselves clearer air to breathe, but poisoning the life that makes that air breathable. We have already seen a rise in the acidification of the oceans, caused by the burden of our emissions.

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