The teaching goals of EcoClipper. Next to transporting cargo, we are also offering emission free travel and sail training. This to realise an alternative for flying and inspire and educate “green hands” for a career in sail.
7 Sailing Rigs for Cargo Ships
There is one kind of sail rig which beats any other rigging, in: ease of keeping all sails under control, manoeuvrability and power of propulsion.
Introducing Free Energy
An infinite source of energy which is: readily available everywhere, still there after being consumed, safe and without negative side effects with its use.
6 ways to make shipping emission free
We need to radically change our ways of propelling ships. But how are we going to practically make emission free shipping a reality?
The Market
The trend shows a tremendous increase in demand for ocean freight in the next ten years. True sustainability is yet to be achieved.
We are determined to make three different kinds of profit at EcoClipper in this way we will realise a positive overall impact on all involved.
Joining the sailing cargo industry
Building momentum for EcoClipper and the different kinds of partnership the sailing cargo industry has to offer. Read more in this post by capt. Langelaan
How Shipping is in for a big transition
Tiny cracks are showing everywhere in the rather conservative world of shipping. Times are changing. Our recent analysis of how things might develop.
The triple-edged sword of sail cargo.
It’s the diversity of markets the sailing cargo business is thriving on. There are three markets where our EcoClipperships will be thrinving on.
Recent posts

Why does De Tukker have an engine?
Read about the reasons De Tukker, EcoClipper’s latest vessel, has kept it’s engine and watch a discussion about engineless sailing.

The latest from De Tukker!
The refit crew had some wood brought in last month which was treated and will be used in the cargo hold as decking. The masts & spars have been sanded and varnished and the carpenter is finishing off the repairs. The new refit crew arrived, who are in charge of...

Zeepost: Duurzame rederij lanceert vaarschema
Rederij EcoClipper heeft het vaarschema voor dit jaar bekend gemaakt van het het zeilend vrachtschip: De Tukker. Van Portugal via Engeland naar Frankrijk, Belgie en Nederland vaart het schip vanaf 15 augustus. De Tukker is de eerste in een vloot van zeilschepen die...