5.5 metres long, 2 metres high and 45 cm thick with pieces of steel integrated here and there. Plus, I learned that concrete continues to harden as it ages, and this wall had been in the ship for quite some time.
The smell of rust grinding and paint also reminds me of how my seafaring career once began…
Joining the sail cargo industry
If you want to play a part in the promising story of the sail cargo industry don’t be afraid to start… The sail cargo world is an extremely welcoming place.
Top 5 Environmental Reasons Transport Should Be Wind Powered!
According to the International Maritime Organisation, shipping is responsible for emitting more than 1.000 million tonnes of CO2 annually
De Tukker Update 11th July 2022
The refit of De Tukker continues! Have a look at some excellent photos of the crew de-greasing the cargo hold.
Sail to Steam and Back Again
Follow the journey of ships – from sail to steam!
3 Things you need to know about food sovereignty
The 3 things you need to know about food sovereignty – the history, food sovereignty vs food security and food sovereignty and sail cargo.
svilupponautic: New Dawn Traders & De Tukker
Grazie ad un accordo di partnership recentemente concluso con New Dawn Traders, broker di carichi sostenibili, Eko Clipper potrà ottimizzare il processo di ricerca e organizzazione del carico utilizzando la rete Voyage COOP per le destinazioni nel Mare del Nord. read...
Zeepost: EcoClipper haalt € 200.000,- op in eerste investeringsronde
Met haar aanbod aan investeerders, waarmee ze mede-eigenaar kunnen worden van een toekomstige vloot van zeilende vracht- en passagiersschepen, heeft de start-up EcoClipper, gedurende deze ronde, meer dan € 200.000 opgehaald. De investering wordt gebruikt, voor het...
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