In an age of bigger cars, bigger planes, bigger ships, why would anyone consider the thought of shipping cargo on a smaller, slower, sail powered vessel?
Waarom zou iemand in een tijd van steeds grotere auto’s, grotere vliegtuigen en grotere schepen overwegen om vracht te vervoeren met een kleiner en trager zeilschip?
A Port of call for the EcoClipper
The wind-powered ship remains in essence what it has always been, a ship dependent on a favorable breeze and an experienced crew. Prevailing wind patterns are used to dictate sailing directions and routing, allowing access to certain ports and safe harbors as well as lee-shores to avoid..
Wind power
As a collective we have shown that sailing ships have the potential to make our supply and travel networks emission-free. We are striving to provide people with the option to travel consciously, make their supply chains transparent and emission free.
A Brief Look into Square-Rigged Sailing Ship Innovations
The square-rigged sailing ship has evolved slowly over thousands of years. Every major innovation came after a long period of trial and error which would illuminate certain necessities and point to areas of the ships due for improvement.
Recent posts

New Year, New U-bend
Refurbishing the ship’s rigging, working on the ship’s steel- and ropework, cleaning sails, and making new sail covers. Below decks, the steel and electric work continues, and some skilled carpenters have joined our team, refitting floors, bunks and partition walls.

Sail Cargo logistics, for those who care about our future.
Or the truth about the consequences of not switching back to wind powered transport.

Tacking a brigantine
Tacking is turning the ship, from having the wind blowing from one side of the ship, to the other side, and doing this by bringing the bow through the wind…