
Search results for: Sustainable transport

Sail Cargo and the SDGs: Goal 16 & 17

This is the final blog in the Sail Cargo and SDGs series! This blog will look at how sail cargo meets Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and Goal 17 Partnership for the Goals.

Sail cargo and the SDGs: Goal 11 & Goal 15

In this series, the sail cargo industry is looked at through the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. This week: Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Goal 15 – Communities & Life on Land.

Trimming the Sails for COP26

This year sees the 26th Climate Change Conference. In preparation for it, this blog looks into COP25 and what we can learn from it.

A Different Holiday

How are the holidays celebrated on board a ship in the middle of the ocean? What if you miss your friends, family and normal traditions…

Recent posts

PRESS RELEASE: Start public campaign for green shipping

PRESS RELEASE: Start public campaign for green shipping

Exciting news from the 7th Green Shipping Summit! #EcoClipper is leading the way as the first shipping company to launch a share funding campaign, aiming to raise capital for their first circular ship. Private and corporate investors can get involved via an innovative investor portal. #greenshipping #sustainability #investing

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