5.5 metres long, 2 metres high and 45 cm thick with pieces of steel integrated here and there. Plus, I learned that concrete continues to harden as it ages, and this wall had been in the ship for quite some time.
Joining the sail cargo industry
If you want to play a part in the promising story of the sail cargo industry don’t be afraid to start… The sail cargo world is an extremely welcoming place.
Press Release: Sustainable Shipping Company Launches 2022 Sailing Schedule
Alkmaar, The Netherlands. 05/05/2022. Dutch shipping company EcoClipper has announced this year’s sailing schedule of the newly purchased ship: De Tukker. De Tukker is the first in a fleet of low-impact sailing ships which will transport cargo and passengers using the wind as a main source of propulsion. The schedule focuses on the North Sea, the Channel and Bay of Biscay.
Persbericht: Partnership Talsma scheepswerf en EcoClipper.
Scheepswerf Talsma en EcoClipper gaan een samenwerking aan om: De Tukker, een zeilschip dat wordt omgebouwd voor zeilende vracht en passagiersvaart, in de vaart te brengen.
Press Release: EcoClipper purchases its first sail cargo vessel.
EcoClipper Coöperatie U.A. announces the purchase of the Dutch Klipper, ‘De Tukker’, to establish sustainable shipping on the North Sea.
Recent posts

The open ship event will take place the 29th of October 2022 at Talsma Shipyard in Franeker, Netherlands.

Last minute: Sail along Kingston upon Hull to Amsterdam!
Departure 19th of July2023: A last-minute option that will not only satisfy your wanderlust but also provide you with a unique and memorable experience.

Video: Sailing cargo vessel at anchor, Dunbar UK.
De Tukker: A 1912 coastal trader turned sail training vessel. Now part of the EcoClipper fleet, she sails cargo and travellers across seas.
De Tukker: A 1912 coastal trader turned sail training vessel. Now part of the EcoClipper fleet, she sails cargo and travellers across seas.

Carmen’s Adventure at Sea.
Join Carmen on her unforgettable sailing adventure aboard De Tukker. Discover the beauty of the sea and the joy of exploring new horizons.