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Wind Propulsion

Wind Propulsion

In an age of bigger cars, bigger planes, bigger ships, why would anyone consider the thought of shipping cargo on a smaller, slower, sail powered vessel?



Waarom zou iemand in een tijd van steeds grotere auto’s, grotere vliegtuigen en grotere schepen overwegen om vracht te vervoeren met een kleiner en trager zeilschip?

Sail Cargo, Why Now?

Sail Cargo, Why Now?

The technology is there, the projects are there, the people are excited, the wind blows but somehow developments take forever.

Sail Cargo in the 21st Century

Sail Cargo in the 21st Century

Sail cargo is the transportation of goods using a renewable form of energy – wind power – and a combination of traditional and modern sail technologies.image Wiebe Radstake- fairtransport

Newsletter: May 2020

Newsletter: May 2020

You are invited to read and spread around, what might be the first ever, combined market report about the sail cargo and sail passenger industry. You will read the insights, about how the popularity of the sail cargo market has grown exponentially during the past ten years.


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