Sail cargo is the transportation of goods using a renewable form of energy – wind power – and a combination of traditional and modern sail technologies.image Wiebe Radstake- fairtransport
Designing a fleet of Sailing Cargo Ships
why not abandon fossil fuels altogether and make a return to sail?
It is clear we need an entire new way of transporting our goods and traveling over long distances. When we are rethinking our businesses and can finally accept that we need a large, possibly revolutionary, transition in our logistics.
A Port of call for the EcoClipper
The wind-powered ship remains in essence what it has always been, a ship dependent on a favorable breeze and an experienced crew. Prevailing wind patterns are used to dictate sailing directions and routing, allowing access to certain ports and safe harbors as well as lee-shores to avoid..
How to run a sustainable shipping company from the kitchen table?
A lot of progress while working from home with EcoClipper. It definitely felt like a jump in the deep… or towards the kitchen table..
Wind power
As a collective we have shown that sailing ships have the potential to make our supply and travel networks emission-free. We are striving to provide people with the option to travel consciously, make their supply chains transparent and emission free.
Stormy weather for the health of our world.
Will we move back as fast as we can to “business as usual”? Or, is there more in it for us? Will we humans, as a thinking species, realise that we are able to live a simpler life? by capt. Jorne Langelaan
EcoClipper news up-date
..Current investments should be sufficient to further develop the EcoClipper500 prototype, until the stage that shipyards can be approached for detailed building quotations…
Sailing a square rigged ship to windward.
Capt. Heinrich Nissen formulated the rules to sail a big or small squarerigger to windward.
3 reasons to sail without engine
There are several large advantages of; not installing an engine in a sailing vessel, which is the reason for EcoClipper to follow this course.
Recent posts

Replacing all motor cargo ships by sailing cargo ships
A bold example of calculating a macroeconomic business case on the back of a beermat. Be prepared to hang on to the bulwarks..By capt. Langelaan

PRESS RELEASE: Partnership between EcoClipper and New Dawn Traders
Dutch sail-cargo pioneers EcoClipper are developing a new breed of cargo carrying sailing ship, the first of which will be a 59m square-rigger with a capacity of 500 tonnes. While development is ongoing, EcoClipper has renovated the 1912 ketch ‘De Tukker’ which, in collaboration with UK-based cargo broker New Dawn Traders, will start forging European trade routes in 2023.

Zen and the Art of Sewing Machine Maintenance
I think, as the anonymous voice of the Tukker blog, it’s probably time to introduce myself. My name’s Hannah, and I’m an OS (ordinary seaman) on the Tukker refit crew. Amongst our group of incredibly skilled craftsman and shipwrights, I’m here on my first...