Sea shanties and sea songs have recently attracted a lot of attention. But what is the history of these nautical tunes?
Sail Cargo and the SDGS: Goal 2 & 13
The second blog in a series exploring how sail cargo can contribute to the sustainable development goals.
The Clipper Bow
The history behind the unique design of the clipper bow.
Sailing Cargo and the Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 1 & 8
Read how sailing cargo fits into the Sustainable Development Goals.
What are ‘Trade Routes’ anyway?
A Brief History... If you follow EcoClipper, you’ve probably heard the term “Trade Routes” mentioned quite a lot! And while they’re quite simply the route a ship takes while carrying traded cargo, there’s a lot more to them than you might think! People have been...
Mexico: On its way to sustainable shipping?
Mexico has large international ports and a rich sailing history – is there a place for sustainable shipping?
Zero to Sailor
Whether you’ve always longed to run away to sea, are in need of an exciting career change or just fancy a fun weekend messing about on boats, it can be hard to know where to start.
A Green New Year
Resolutions arent easy to keep! Here are some ideas to get you started for a green New Year.
A Different Holiday
How are the holidays celebrated on board a ship in the middle of the ocean? What if you miss your friends, family and normal traditions…
Recent posts

PRESS RELEASE: New Sustainable sailing ferry service between Amsterdam and Porto
This week, a partnership of cargo brokers and travel agents announced their cooperation in a new sail liner ferry service between Amsterdam and Porto, calling at ports in the United Kingdom and France. This will be the first sustainable liner service by the shipping...

He left the engines and went back to sea.
A story about the history of shipping, learning from the past, smoke and fire, the ditches that ended it all and the lessons to be learned..

PRESS RELEASE: Start public campaign for green shipping
Exciting news from the 7th Green Shipping Summit! #EcoClipper is leading the way as the first shipping company to launch a share funding campaign, aiming to raise capital for their first circular ship. Private and corporate investors can get involved via an innovative investor portal. #greenshipping #sustainability #investing