As the world looks for sustainable methods of transportation, sails are an obvious choice to reduce emissions in the industry.
The first ship under the EcoClipper flag
Introducing the first EcoClipper ship! The Tukker will sail on the North Sea, transporting cargo and passengers on a fixed liner service.
Press Release: EcoClipper purchases its first sail cargo vessel.
EcoClipper Coöperatie U.A. announces the purchase of the Dutch Klipper, ‘De Tukker’, to establish sustainable shipping on the North Sea.
North Sea Trade: Albatros
Read about the story of sail cargo vessel Albatros! The ship operated on the North Sea in the late 20th century.
North Sea Ports
The North Sea offers many suitable ports for sail cargo vessels and connect inland communities with the water, both in the UK and Europe.
North Sea Trade History
The North Sea has an interesting history of trade. Read more about it’s development over time and the potential of sail cargo on this route.
What is the EcoClipper Coöperatie U.A?
EcoClipper announced the launch of the EcoClipper Cooperative. Read more to find out about the signing and what this means for the company.
EcoClipper attends the ZESTA Conference at COP26
The whole world is watching the COP26 event this year – including the shipping industry, sail cargo industry and EcoClipper.
Persbericht: Scheepvaart overstag naar duurzaamheid
Klanten, kapitaal en medewerkers gaan samenwerken in een coöperatie, voor zeilende logistiek van de toekomst.
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