Connecting with the companies which are interested to have their goods transported sustainably. Today: Hennes Finest.
Press release: New Report Shows Rising Awareness of the Climate Crisis Increases Demand for Emission-Free Alternatives in Shipping and Travel.
Emission-free shipping company EcoClipper have published a report which gives an overview of the growing markets in environmentally sustainable shipping and travel by sailing ship, referred to as sail cargo and sail travel respectively.
7 Sailing Rigs for Cargo Ships
There is one kind of sail rig which beats any other rigging, in: ease of keeping all sails under control, manoeuvrability and power of propulsion.
Introducing Free Energy
An infinite source of energy which is: readily available everywhere, still there after being consumed, safe and without negative side effects with its use.
6 ways to make shipping emission free
We need to radically change our ways of propelling ships. But how are we going to practically make emission free shipping a reality?
Joining the sailing cargo industry
Building momentum for EcoClipper and the different kinds of partnership the sailing cargo industry has to offer. Read more in this post by capt. Langelaan
How Shipping is in for a big transition
Tiny cracks are showing everywhere in the rather conservative world of shipping. Times are changing. Our recent analysis of how things might develop.
The triple-edged sword of sail cargo.
It’s the diversity of markets the sailing cargo business is thriving on. There are three markets where our EcoClipperships will be thrinving on.
The different phases of setting up a sailing cargo company.
The different phases of starting up EcoClipper, a sailing cargo company.
Recent posts

PRESS RELEASE: New Sustainable sailing ferry service between Amsterdam and Porto
This week, a partnership of cargo brokers and travel agents announced their cooperation in a new sail liner ferry service between Amsterdam and Porto, calling at ports in the United Kingdom and France. This will be the first sustainable liner service by the shipping...

He left the engines and went back to sea.
A story about the history of shipping, learning from the past, smoke and fire, the ditches that ended it all and the lessons to be learned..

PRESS RELEASE: Start public campaign for green shipping
Exciting news from the 7th Green Shipping Summit! #EcoClipper is leading the way as the first shipping company to launch a share funding campaign, aiming to raise capital for their first circular ship. Private and corporate investors can get involved via an innovative investor portal. #greenshipping #sustainability #investing