
Search results for: Sustainable transport

New Dawn Traders: An Introduction

No-compromise Brokering New Dawn Traders, headquartered in Argal Farm, Cornwall (UK) is a “Voyage COOP” broker bringing together a network of farmers and makers, sailors and Port Enterprises to deliver delicious goods to UK shores, as close to emission-free as...

Why does De Tukker have an engine?

Read about the reasons De Tukker, EcoClipper’s latest vessel, has kept it’s engine and watch a discussion about engineless sailing.

A Day on De Tukker

Taja Kavcic describes her experience of transferring EcoClipper’s ship De Tukker from Den Helder to Friesland in the Netherlands.

The Art of Travel

With the dawning of a new conscience of care for the planet, people are seriously reconsidering the way they travel.

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Press Release: Wind transport ready for the next step! 

Press Release: Wind transport ready for the next step! 

Today the sailing freighter “De Tukker” returned from her maiden voyage.This journey started a few weeks ago in Amsterdam and took her through various European ports to Portugal and back to the Netherlands. Along the way, a mixed load was transported in a sustainable manner. The ship is propelled by sails and can therefore sail emission-free, even over long distances.

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