Mexico has large international ports and a rich sailing history – is there a place for sustainable shipping?
Zero to Sailor
Whether you’ve always longed to run away to sea, are in need of an exciting career change or just fancy a fun weekend messing about on boats, it can be hard to know where to start.
Any Questions?
Recently, Jorne Langelaan took part in a webinar by KNVTS. There were some common questions which have been answered here for you to peruse!
A Green New Year
Resolutions arent easy to keep! Here are some ideas to get you started for a green New Year.
A Different Holiday
How are the holidays celebrated on board a ship in the middle of the ocean? What if you miss your friends, family and normal traditions…
A Sailing Ship Future – The Transition
Analysing three ways to transition from the Old Economy to the New Economy, for our planet and our future.
A Sailing Ship Future – The New Economy
The New Economy is based on renewable energy. With it we are left with a highly localised and cooperatively organised society.
The Sailing Ship Future – The Old Economy
The first of a three-part blog series that defines the Old Economy, gives solutions to transition to the New Economy and how sailing is involved.
Meet the maritime lawyer who loves sailing…
Meet Ynke, a maritime lawyer who is interested in helping EcoClipper and sustainable shipping practices.
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Top 5 Environmental Reasons Transport Should Be Wind Powered!
According to the International Maritime Organisation, shipping is responsible for emitting more than 1.000 million tonnes of CO2 annually

De Tukker Update 11th July 2022
The refit of De Tukker continues! Have a look at some excellent photos of the crew de-greasing the cargo hold.

Sail to Steam and Back Again
Follow the journey of ships – from sail to steam!