Can sail power move all our cargo? Here are the five main points important for the sailing cargo industry and EcoClipper.
Meet the Team!
The members of the EcoClipper crew. As the company grows, more people are contacting EcoClipper to offer their expertise, so the crew is always growing! These blogs will give you an insight into some of the members that are working to see shipping and travel change.
Sailing Pepper – The Journey of Pepper from Kampot to Germany
There is added value by transporting pepper on an engineless sailing ship. Sebastian argues that by doing so Hennes’ Finest is “focussing on the wellbeing of everybody involved” as well as the environmental benefits.
In the Beginning – The Journey of Pepper from Kampot to Germany
Three EcoClipper team members sat down with Sebastian Brimmers from pepper company Hennes’ Finest. Coffee in hand, we talked about the history of Kampot pepper, the farmers behind the produce, potential for sailing pepper across the world from Cambodia to Europe, and the consumers.
A step forward – the EcoClipper500 prototype half-hull model
We at EcoClipper officially received the half-hull model of the EcoClipper 500 prototype. Our half hull model was crafted by ship carpenter Leo Boogerd, in cooperation with Bert van Baar of the Bootbouw school and Marijke de Jong, a specialist in square-rigging and yacht design.
When the cargo is there: you can build the ship.
Connecting with the companies which are interested to have their goods transported sustainably. Today: Hennes Finest.
Wind Propulsion
In an age of bigger cars, bigger planes, bigger ships, why would anyone consider the thought of shipping cargo on a smaller, slower, sail powered vessel?
Waarom zou iemand in een tijd van steeds grotere auto’s, grotere vliegtuigen en grotere schepen overwegen om vracht te vervoeren met een kleiner en trager zeilschip?
Sail Cargo, Why Now?
The technology is there, the projects are there, the people are excited, the wind blows but somehow developments take forever.
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PRESS RELEASE: New Sustainable sailing ferry service between Amsterdam and Porto
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He left the engines and went back to sea.
A story about the history of shipping, learning from the past, smoke and fire, the ditches that ended it all and the lessons to be learned..

PRESS RELEASE: Start public campaign for green shipping
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