Meet Ynke, a maritime lawyer who is interested in helping EcoClipper and sustainable shipping practices.
The History of the Half Block Model
The Half Block model is the start point for a master shipwright. The use of this traditional method comes from an interesting story.
EcoClipper in the Classroom
What do you get with a virtual room of students combined with EcoClipper’s Chief Communications Officer and two EcoClipper Ambassadors? A brighter future.
An Ancient Green Technology Reborn.
The old way of sailing ironically has a huge technological advantage over its modern counterpart. It does not emit any harmful fumes and only uses natural elements for propulsion.
The Rise and Decline (and New Rise) of Clippers
The Rise and Decline (and New Rise) of Clippers. – Clippers were used to transport cargo that was especially valuable and perishable, such as tea and silk, or for other reasons required fast transportation, such as human passengers during the gold rush.
The life of a sail cargo ship sailor – part 2
The reality of sailing goods across the ocean to people who don’t have a Walmart right around the corner.
The life of a sail cargo ship sailor – part 1
Sailor Shanan Wolfe was the first mate on SV Kwai, a 179 ton cargo topsail ketch. Kwai has been delivering cargo and passengers in the Pacific Ocean, mainly between Hawaii and Kiribati and the Cook Islands, since 2006.
What does it mean, this ‘lofting’? A black art that used to be guarded jealously and was the domain of only the master shipwright.
The reason why
A sailor‘s dream. But that was a hundred years ago and I deemed myself unlucky for being born into the wrong ages.
Recent posts

Replacing all motor cargo ships by sailing cargo ships
A bold example of calculating a macroeconomic business case on the back of a beermat. Be prepared to hang on to the bulwarks..By capt. Langelaan

PRESS RELEASE: Partnership between EcoClipper and New Dawn Traders
Dutch sail-cargo pioneers EcoClipper are developing a new breed of cargo carrying sailing ship, the first of which will be a 59m square-rigger with a capacity of 500 tonnes. While development is ongoing, EcoClipper has renovated the 1912 ketch ‘De Tukker’ which, in collaboration with UK-based cargo broker New Dawn Traders, will start forging European trade routes in 2023.

Zen and the Art of Sewing Machine Maintenance
I think, as the anonymous voice of the Tukker blog, it’s probably time to introduce myself. My name’s Hannah, and I’m an OS (ordinary seaman) on the Tukker refit crew. Amongst our group of incredibly skilled craftsman and shipwrights, I’m here on my first...