In an age of bigger cars, bigger planes, bigger ships, why would anyone consider the thought of shipping cargo on a smaller, slower, sail powered vessel?
Waarom zou iemand in een tijd van steeds grotere auto’s, grotere vliegtuigen en grotere schepen overwegen om vracht te vervoeren met een kleiner en trager zeilschip?
Sail Cargo, Why Now?
The technology is there, the projects are there, the people are excited, the wind blows but somehow developments take forever.
Sail Cargo in the 21st Century
Sail cargo is the transportation of goods using a renewable form of energy – wind power – and a combination of traditional and modern sail technologies.image Wiebe Radstake- fairtransport
Newsletter: May 2020
You are invited to read and spread around, what might be the first ever, combined market report about the sail cargo and sail passenger industry. You will read the insights, about how the popularity of the sail cargo market has grown exponentially during the past ten years.
Press Release: Sailing into a Sustainable Future
This week the first 2020 market overview of sustainable shipping and travel by sailing ship is being published, after an in-depth research period of several months.
Designing a fleet of Sailing Cargo Ships
why not abandon fossil fuels altogether and make a return to sail?
It is clear we need an entire new way of transporting our goods and traveling over long distances. When we are rethinking our businesses and can finally accept that we need a large, possibly revolutionary, transition in our logistics.
A Port of call for the EcoClipper
The wind-powered ship remains in essence what it has always been, a ship dependent on a favorable breeze and an experienced crew. Prevailing wind patterns are used to dictate sailing directions and routing, allowing access to certain ports and safe harbors as well as lee-shores to avoid..
How to run a sustainable shipping company from the kitchen table?
A lot of progress while working from home with EcoClipper. It definitely felt like a jump in the deep… or towards the kitchen table..
Recent posts

Press Release: Dutch start-up in wind-ship logistics raises €200,000
With an offer to investors that allows them to become part owners of a proposed fleet of sail cargo and passenger ships, the start-up sail cargo company EcoClipper has surpassed €200,000 in individual investment. This investment is in both the Ketch De Tukker, which is currently undergoing a refit, and in the further development of EcoClipper’s planned new build Clipper series, the EcoClipper500.

New Dawn Traders: An Introduction
No-compromise Brokering New Dawn Traders, headquartered in Argal Farm, Cornwall (UK) is a “Voyage COOP” broker bringing together a network of farmers and makers, sailors and Port Enterprises to deliver delicious goods to UK shores, as close to emission-free as...

Persbericht: Samenwerking voor zeilende vracht en passagiers lijndienst
De internationale bevrachter New Dawn Traders en rederij EcoClipper gaan een samenwerking aan om passagiers en vracht, op duurzame wijze te vervoeren met zeilend vrachtschip ‘De Tukker’ op de Europese wateren. Om werkelijk emissievrij vracht te varen dient er...